Holy Tides

Modern Anglo-Saxon Heathens observe a variety of different celebrations based on Bede’s calendar. The following is a list of holy tides that are typically observed by the Larhus Fyrnsida in one form or another.

Mōdraniht (Mothers Night)
– An event which was held on the eve of the Winter Solstice/ Gēola and was possibly connected to the worship of ancestral mothers.

Gēol (Yule)
 A tide of particular importance in all forms of Germanic Heathenry. It is at this time when the days are shortest and the nights coldest- a time of revelry in the face of that adversity, when supernatural activity increased. As such, Gēol presents a natural contrast to Midsumor, which takes place during a more prosperous time of year. Much of the sacrificing done at this time may have made to Wōden and/or the dead.


Ēaster Heathen festival corresponding with modern Easter and the Spring Equinox. During this period offering may have been made to Ēastre, goddess of dawn and renewal.


Blōstmfrēols– A contemporary floral festival inspired by Floralia, ending the “Ēastre Season”.  More information about Blōstmfrēols is found here.


Midsumor (Midsummer)– Celebration of the Summer Solstice. Midsumor is historically a time dedicated to revelling in the even-tempered and more relaxed atmosphere that Summer brings. Bonfires are typically associated with both ancient and modern Midsumor celebrations.


Hærfest Observance held at the beginning of August celebrating a bountiful harvest season. Traditionally bread was baked during this period and presented as gifts or used as offerings.


Winterfylleð (Winter Full Moon) – Celebration of the Autumn Equinox and the beginning of Winter. This observance typically fell on the first full moon in what we now call October.