Parts of the Self

For The Lārhūs Fyrnsida subscribes to the idea of ‘soul dualism’ , which is a belief that humans possess more than one soul, or that the soul exists in multiple parts. This idea is found in contemporary Inuit, Chinese and Finno-Ugric religions and was a common conception  among pre-Christian peoples.

Plato made reference to souls of multiple parts, consisting of the logistikon (mind/reason), the thumetikon (emotion) and the epithumetikon (the appetite / desire)[1][2]The Egyptians divided the soul into multiple parts, such as the Ren (name), the Ba (personality), the Ka (vitality), the Sheut (shadow), and the Ib (heart). Likely closest to the Ango-Saxon conception of soul(s), was the Norse, which divided the ‘self’ into at least 3 parts: The hamr, hugr and fylgja [3].

For our conception of the multi-part soul, we followed the Norse example.

The Hama

The Hyge

[1]  Jones, David (2009). The Gift of Logos: Essays in Continental Philosophy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 33–35.
[2]Stillwell, Gary A. Afterlife: Post-Mortem Judgments in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.
[3] Lecouteux, Claude (1996). The Return of the Dead: Ghosts, Ancestors, and the Transparent Veil of the Pagan Mind. Inner Traditions Publishing. pp. 162-180